Thursday, April 22, 2010

Down on the Farm

I love farms. I love barns. Grain silos. Rusted machinery. Tattered old fences. Decrepit buildings. There is so much history there. It reminds me of my heritage and family. I have fond memories of playing at my Gramps' & Granny's farm. I long for room enough to have my own little hobby farm; complete with chickens, horses, cows and maybe sheep or a pig. I would have a HUGE garden. I think it would be thrilling to be self sufficient that way.

I need to get out on a day that is sunny!!

I love this barn! It's exactly like my Gramps'!I love this one. I love all the colors. I love the grain silo. I don't know... I just love it though!

1 comment:

  1. I love farms too! Great photos! Actually, overcast days are usually better for lighting than sunny days. Do you have any sort of editing program? If you just lightened that first photo a bit, and maybe a bit of color boost and contrast, you wouldn't miss the sunshine at all. Those clouds are awesome!
