Spring is always a funny thing around these parts. Sometime in March the sun will start shining and the snow will be practically gone. People will start working in their yards. The motorcycles start hitting the streets. And then Mother Nature tells us who's boss. Some of our very worst storms are the end of March and into April. This year was no different. We were hit pretty hard actually. The local ski resort got more than 5 FEET in 7 DAYS!!! HOLY SMOKES!!!
I am an oddity here though; I LOVE IT!! While everyone else is complaining that Spring isn't here yet, I am still peeking out the window every morning hoping for freshly fallen snow! Crazy, I know!
I thought I'd snap a few pictures of this conch shell that we got in Hawaii a couple years ago {sigh, was it really that long ago already?} The tile in my bathroom kind of reminded me of a sandy beach. I have a GORGEOUS sandy ocean picture hanging above my bathtub. So I started thinking of warm sunny days at the beach. It was fun!

I love these shells. I love the color and the texture.

The ocean is therapeutic for me. Especially the colder ocean beaches of Oregon and Washington. I love the smells. I love the overcast skies and the breeze. So though I may not find a shell like this up there, taking these pictures brought back a lot of very fond memories. I may just have to take a little road trip this summer!!
I wanna come!